Welcome to our family run farm!
We raise happy chickens and cows

Our animals are fully free-range, able to frolic and eat their natural diet.
We believe that animals are our friends as well as our providers,
and that keeping them happy makes for better eggs and meat.

We only sell on location at our farm between Auburn and Enumclaw Washington - so give us a visit today.

If you've ever had a farm fresh egg, then you understand the difference local can make

Our chickens are fed an omnivorous diet, and free range on our 10 acre farm. Their diet mimics a natural diet - because they forage like wild chickens do! Our girls also eat vegetable scraps from our own table, and get plenty of exercise roaming around the farm daily.

Our cows are fully grass fed, never forced to eat unnatural feed to artifically fatten them up.

A happy baby cow and it's mom

Farm fresh eggs

Both our chickens and ducks produce delicious, rich eggs on a seasonal basis. We have plenty on hand during the summer, but may need to schedule out a few days in the winter

$4/dozen chicken eggs

$6/dozen duck eggs


Our simmental/angus cross cows are entirely grass fed, and butchered humanely. We offer all your favorite cuts, as well as ground beef. Interested in a half or quarter cow? Let's talk.

$5/lb ground beef

$6.50/lb + for other cuts

Reusable grocery bags

Waste not, want not right? We've developed a zero waste way to turn our used feed bags into strong, water resistant totes. Perfect for carrying your groceries.

$5 for a large tote

Explore our farm

In the shadow of Mount Rainier

Our 10 acre farm is located between Auburn and Enumclaw Washington at:

19214 SE 384th Street
Auburn, Wa

Our herd

We focus on quality over quantity, so our herd remains very small. We currently have 3 momma cows (Nelly, Doris, and Lois) who are expecting in the spring. Our girls are accepting of cuddles, and love the snacks they get when the lawn mower runs.

Our flock

We currently have a mixed flock consisting of 15 chickens and 4 ducks. Our girls are a mix of breeds and produce brown, green, and white eggs.

Our impact

We believe in living in harmony with nature and practicing good stewardship on our land. We frequently have wildlife visitors stopping by to check out our herd. We choose to only sell from our farm because we want out products to be of the freshest quality and minimize the distance they have to travel.


Get In Touch

Use the form below to drop us a line if you have any questions.